1. Make your glass stovetop look new again.

For more ways to clean your glass stovetop, check this out: Ways to Clean Your Glass Cooktop That Actually Work.
2. Clean the rubber bottom of shoes.

3. Wipe away permanent marker on glass.

Having a party, but don’t have glass markers? Just use a permanent marker to label whose glass is whose. Then, easily scrub off names when the party’s over.
4. Remove sticker residue.

Wet a Magic Eraser and wipe firmly across any sticker residue repeatedly until removed.
5. Erase cooked-on stains from pots and pans.

6. Get rid of wet-nose marks from pets on windows and doors.

This works like a charm on car windows!
RELATED: Awesome Ways to Repurpose an Empty Cardboard Box
7. Remove scuffs from walls and baseboards.

8. Clean the gunk off your flat iron.

9. Remove red-sauce stains from plastic food containers.

10. Clean computer keyboards.

11. Wipe away stuck-on splatter stains in the microwave.

UP NEXT: KCL’s Best Budget Friendly Home Organization & Cleaning Tips

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