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Costco has a new item on their menu. The 7-inch double chocolate chip cookie is priced at just $2.49. This massive cookie has replaced the churros, which were priced at $1.49 each.
Costco's food court menu has reasonable prices. Notably, where else can you enjoy a hot dog paired with a drink for just $1.50? The affordability and variety of options continue to make Costco's food court a favorite among members. The new double chocolate chip cookie is now available for those who wish to treat themselves during their next Costco visit.
Not a Costco member yet? Sign up for a membership, then read our Costco membership guide to get the most out of your membership. Check out the hottest Costco Coupon Book deals and learn how to save on your next Costco run with Costco’s Warehouse savings.
If you don’t want to pay the membership fee or are simply curious, here’s how you can shop at Costco without a membership.
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