A Dollar Tree Disney packing list can save your bacon when you’re planning a trip to Disney World (or Disneyland!).
Why? You can get loads of things on your regular Disney packing list, for one. But also, and perhaps just as important, you can get your kids excited for your Disney vacation with armfuls of Disney gear that’ll cost you a dollar a pop. One idea is to surprise your kids with a bag full of Disney toys and activities to keep them occupied on the trip.
Even if you choose not to surprise them, you’ll be able to affordably build some Disney trip hype, thanks to Dollar Tree!
Check out these other articles to help you do Disney on a budget or save money at Dollar Tree:
How to Do Disney on a Budget
How to Coupon at Dollar Tree
Disney Cruise Savings Tips
How to Fly to Disney for Free

Dollar Tree Disney Packing List: Snacks and Containers
Disney Snack Containers

Surprise your kids with regular old snacks inside fun Dollar Tree Disney containers.
Reusable Disney Cups

These are large enough to serve a few different purposes, but having sturdy cups in your hotel room is a good start.
Disney Travel Containers

Like the plastic cups, these containers could hold snacks, crayons, a few LEGOs, beads and string to make necklaces, or anything else you can think of.
Dollar Tree Disney Packing List: Travel Entertainment
Disney Princess Gear

For those in your home who love Elsa, Mulan, and Snow White. Princess gear will help build the excitement.
Pirate Gear

For the ones who are more into Captain Jack Sparrow and Peter Pan.
Disney Flash Cards

It seems like one of the keys of a successful vacation with small kids is keeping them occupied. Dollar Tree sells Disney flash cards, a great idea for your flight or road trip.
Disney Coloring Books

Inventory varies by location, but my Dollar Tree usually has Disney coloring books. If you’re not planning to give your kids a bag with everything in it, another idea is to wait until they’re bored to pull out a fresh activity. So, when they’ve scattered the flash cards all over the hotel room, pull out the Disney coloring books.
Disney Crayons

I’m sure you have crayons at home that you could pack for your trip, but for a dollar each, it’s hard to say no to Simba and Woody. My Dollar Tree also had Mickey Mouse themed crayons.
Disney Star Wars Sticker Books

Ditto coloring books. Don’t give these to your kids until they’re bouncing off the walls and ready for a new activity.
Dollar Tree Disney Packing List: Resort and Hotel
Disney Night Light

It seems like every family has someone who wants it a little brighter in order to sleep at night. Slip this Disney night-light into that one’s Disney bag.
Expandable Hampers

Expandable hampers are ideal for keeping your family’s clean and dirty clothes separate. They pop open when you want to use them and then collapse when not in use.
Water Toys

Bring your own water toys to your resort or hotel pool! If you bring three or four floaties, pool noodles, etc. You don’t have to feel bad when they get lost or if you want to leave them at the hotel for other kids when you’re done.
Disney Sandwich Bags

Use these to pack lunches for inside the park or to keep toiletries organized!
Dollar Tree Disney Packing List: Inside the Park
Disney Bag

You could use this as a gift bag to put all your other Dollar Tree Disney items into when you surprise your kids, or you could use it as a day bag to hold small items inside the park.
Disney Bubbles

Disney bubbles are perfect for keeping kids entertained while standing in long lines.
Glow Sticks

Great for kids to play with in the park after dark, but a must-have for long indoor queues that are dark, like the Na’vi River Journey at Animal Kingdom!
Disney Toys

I can usually find a handful of Disney toys to keep my kids occupied while we’re in long lines. But if you strike out, check out these Disney deals.
Battery-Powered Fan

Both Disney parks get hot, hot, hot in the summer. Bring a fan along to cool yourself down, but also as a source of cheap entertainment for kids.
Dollar Tree Disney Packing List: Miscellaneous
Did you know you can use manufacturer coupons at Dollar Tree? Just be sure to check the size limitations, because a lot of brand-name items sold at Dollar Tree are smaller or trial size. As long as the item fits within the size limitations for the coupon, it’s fair game! Get your hands on Dollar Tree coupons so you can save the next time you’re in the store. You can also search coupons by brand name.

Keep the sun off your face for $1, courtesy of Dollar Tree.
Wet Wipes

“Wash” hands in a pinch with wet wipes. They’re also good for wiping tables down if your surface isn’t quite sparkling.
Hand Sanitizer

Pick up travel-size hand sanitizer at Dollar Tree before your trip so you have it in your bag and at your hotel (and everywhere else!).
Look for hand sanitizer coupons before you shop.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to pack sunscreen for your Disney vacation! Dollar Tree’s got you covered, but if you’re going in winter and your local store doesn’t offer it, here are some sunscreen deals.
Disney Travel-Size Kleenex

Another must-have, even if you mostly use them for cleaning up spills. (Hopefully nobody on your vacation gets sick!)
Get Kleenex coupons.
Buy Dollar Tree Disney water bottles to avoid drinking fountain lines.

Sure, Disney offers free cups of water. This is an awesome perk! But if you want to avoid lines at the counter or at the water fountain, bring your own Disney water bottles.
Tie a Dollar Tree bandana on your luggage to identify it at the airport baggage claim.

Being able to identify your suitcases will speed up your travel time.
Pack Dollar Tree ponchos for water rides and rain.

Don’t get stuck in the rain at Disney World without a disposable poncho! Sure, you can buy them inside the park, but they’re at least ten times more expensive than they are at Dollar Tree.
Buy cheap Dollar Tree sunglasses so if you lose them, it’s no big deal.

It seems like sunglasses are designed to get lost. And if you’re buying them for children, that increases your chances of them getting lost by about 100%. Buy a few Dollar Tree pairs for everyone so when they go missing, you’re only out $1.
UP NEXT: Tips to Do a Disney Vacation on a Budget

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