If your student is already encountering homework woes, we sympathize. The struggle is real for both kids and parents. However, for one week Extra Gum is offering late-night free homework help. They teamed up with The Princeton Review to offer a free online tutoring platform for high school students, 13-17 years old. The program runs nightly Sept. 19 – 26, from 9pm – 12am local time, weekdays. Now if we could just get someone to pay for college.
There’s no limit to the number of help requests during the promotion period. If you know anything about tutoring costs, it can begin at $20 per hour. And if you want to be tutored by a Harvard-educated celebrity, actress Yara Shahidi is helping out, too. You can enter to win a virtual, on-camera tutoring session.
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The free homework help hotline runs from Tuesday, Sept. 19 – 26 on weeknights.
You’ll be able to access the free, live homework support starting Sept. 19. It will be available from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m local time each weeknight. The Princeton Review tutoring experts can cover over 40 subjects, including math, science, English, and social studies. Tutoring happens though a free interactive whiteboard or via an online chat.
If you’re wondering why the partnership with gum, apparently, it helps improve focus and attention. While it can’t solve your homework problems, it can help with concentration. Parents, you’re off the hook for that dreaded high school calculus now, but don’t get comfortable.
Access the homework hotline through a computer or smartphone.

The free homework help line can be accessed through EXTRAGum.com/Hotline. From there, you’ll get connected to the platform and an education expert.
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Starting Sept. 14, enter for a chance to win a free tutoring session with actress Yara Shahidi.

Aside from the hotline, there’s also a chance to win a virtual, on-camera study session with actress Yara Shahidi. As an Ivy League grad, she knows a thing or two.
From Sept. 14 – 18, head over to EXTRAGum.com/Hotline to enter the sweepstakes. Only two winners will be chosen. They’ll be randomly selected after Sept. 18 at 11:50 p.m. PT. Winners will be notified via email.
After Sept. 26, students will have access to a discount on test prep services.
Additionally, The Princeton Review is offering a discount on test-prep services for up to one year. If you sign up, you’ll also get a free pack of Extra gum (while supplies last). Check your email box after the hotline period ends. They’ll send you all of the information on how to proceed.
The homework hotline idea was inspired by a survey.
Extra Gum recently conducted a survey about study and homework habits. They learned that students (especially 15-17 year olds) get distracted and struggle with homework. Most start in the evening hours and the majority feel like their parents can’t help them. It turns out that almost three-quarters of high school students use gum to help with focus in class and while studying.
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