“Does Nuna ever go on sale?” is a legitimate question for budget-aware parents and parents-to-be.
Nuna products get rave reviews, and parents seem to love the brand because everything is made without chemical flame retardants. They’re the only U.S. brand in the business that does this. Plus, parents say Nuna products hold up well and last over time.
But for real though, does Nuna ever go on sale? I’m not going to lie, it’s hard to find a discount on Nuna brand baby gear. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I’ve got a few ideas to help you save on Nuna travel systems and more, plus tips to save on other baby gear brands, too.
Let’s get started:
1. Does Nuna ever go on sale? Where to buy the Nuna travel system.
The Nuna brand specifically holds their prices very tightly, as only authorized retailers are allowed to sell Nuna. Much like Birkenstock, when Nuna discounts certain items, they’ll be discounted at all retailers that sell the brand.
Pottery Barn, Nordstrom, Albee Baby, Neiman Marcus, and Crate & Barrel are a few retailers that carry Nuna. Additionally, you can find Nuna at local (smaller) baby boutique stores. For this reason, there’s very little shopping needed, as the price will be the same on that Nuna Rava convertible car seat, for example, anywhere you shop. Exceptions to this rule are special events that retailers negotiate with the Nuna brand. I’ll tell you about two of them.
Even though Nuna controls their pricing, my answer to the question “does Nuna ever go on sale?” still isn’t no. You can find Nuna travel systems and car seats on sale a few times a year …
2. Look for Nuna sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

In 2021 we didn’t see a lot of Nuna sales during Black Friday because of supply chain issues, but the years prior have brought us some discounts, so it’s not unreasonable to be on the watch for Nuna sales in 2022.
Nordstrom offered a Nuna Rava sale in 2020 — $100 off during Black Friday, bringing the price tag from $499.95 down to $399.95. Nordstrom also offered the Nuna MIXX Stroller for $399.95 (regularly $649.95). I don’t mean to call out Nordstrom so strongly; it’s just that they’re the only retailer with (fairly) reliable savings at a predictable time every year.
3. Shop the Nordstrom Anniversary sale in July/August to find Nuna discounts.

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is the best time of year to shop Nuna sales. It happens every summer somewhere between July and August. If you don’t have a Nordstrom in your area, shop online anywhere in the U.S. to get savings on Nuna travel systems and car seats.
In 2022 Nuna Rava car seats saw a really unheard-of discount of $150 off. So,the $499.95 car seat was marked down to $349.95. Absolutely the time to buy.
4. Buy brands like Maxi-Cosi, BOB, and Nuna from Albee Baby to save up to 60%.
Albee Baby is a website selling top baby gear brands for less than retail price. Look for up to 60% savings on Maxi-Cosi, Nuna, BOB car seats, strollers, bouncers, and swings.
To find the best prices, shop the “Sale” section of the website.
Shipping is free when you spend $100 or more or a $4.95 flat rate if you spend less than that.
Related: Check out these baby freebies.
5. Ask for Amazon’s price on baby gear at Pottery Barn Kids.

Did you know that Pottery Barn Kids will price match select competitors like Amazon, Target, Nordstrom, and more?
It must be the exact same item sold by both stores, but since Pottery Barn Kids now sells baby brands like Halo, Medela, Boppy, Owlet, and more, it’s easy to find a cheaper price on Amazon or elsewhere and ask Pottery Barn to honor it.
6. Add Pottery Barn items you want to a PB registry and get 20% off.
You can create a Pottery Barn registry for literally any reason. So forget about using PB’s registry for baby showers only.
Pick a date you want to buy your items, make that your “event” date, and you’ll get a 20% off completion discount that’s valid for two months before your event and six months afterward.
The only real bummer here is that most baby gear brands like Nuna are excluded from the completion discount.
7. Look for brands like Graco and Evenflo at T.J.Maxx and Ross.
Plan to save up to 40% on these brands when you see them at T.J.Maxx and Ross. Of course, the trick is locating inventory because it’s so variable. In general, Ross has a better selection of baby gear brands, but T.J.Maxx surprises at times with Graco gear.
Want to know who’s cheaper in a Ross vs. T.J.Maxx showdown?
8. Buy Stokke high chairs at Target with your RedCard to save 5%.

Can’t find a Stokke sale? I’m not surprised. Stokke Tripp-Trapp high chairs are $299.99 pretty much everywhere they’re sold. Sometimes you can find a lower price at Albee Baby, but if you can’t, buy it at Target using your RedCard for 5% savings. It’s not earth-shattering, but it’s a discount.
9. Use Kohl’s Cash to create your own sale on Britax convertible car seats.
If you can’t find a Britax sale when it’s time for your baby to move up to a convertible car seat, use Kohl’s Cash to create your own sale.
Shop Kohl’s for items you need during Kohl’s Cash earning periods (about once a month). Then spend all your Kohl’s Cash to buy a Britax car seat.
Even better? Kohl’s doesn’t list Britax as a coupon exclusion, so if you have a coupon to stack with Kohl’s Cash, you’ll save even more.
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