What are love coupons? They’re like IOUs to give to your loved one so they can “cash them in” whenever they want. They’re great for holidays like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, or honestly just for whenever. Who needs a reason to show your partner you love them? (If you are using these for February 14, these Valentine's Day food deals might come in handy, too.)
The basic idea here is that the person who typically isn’t into doing the thing on the coupon is the one who gives it away. The coupons are supposed to be for the recipient. So however that looks in your relationship. I know not everyone has the same roles in a family or in a relationship, so I tried to keep it gender-neutral.
Download this FREE Love Coupons printable to fill in and give to your love.
1. 24 hours of uninterrupted childcare love coupons

In most families, there’s the partner who does the bulk of the childcare. In our family, we call it the “flexible” parent. Even if they work a job too, they still make all the kid appointments and do all the school things.
If you know this is not you in your family, give this coupon to the one who most likely needs a break from daily home life!
2. I’ll do your chores
A coupon that means what it says. The giver will do all of the receiver’s chores for a day or two. Maybe a week. Up to you!
3. You win the argument
Give the gift of a win to your partner during an argument. Warning: this love coupon seems like a generous and wonderful idea when you’re creating it. It won’t feel as fun when your partner cashes it in.
4. Agree to disagree
You can’t maintain a healthy relationship this way, but most of us have certain arguments that just always come up and aren’t really solvable (sometimes they’re not even important). That’s the best time to use this coupon.
5. Redbox rental of your choice
They get to pick the movie! No questions asked.
6. … Or “Your turn to choose the show”
Not all of us have the same tastes in shows as our partners. So if you usually watch thrillers because that’s what you like, why not give this one to your partner and agree to sit through The Crown?
7. Takeout night of your choice
Best for the partner who never gets to choose where you eat.
8. “I’ll plan date night” (or “You plan date night”).
This one has two possibilities. Either one of you always plans date night and it’s a chore, and the other just has to show up. Or you fight over who gets to plan date night because you both want to do it. If the former, give this coupon so your partner can have a break for Pete’s sake! If the latter, give in and let your partner plan a date night.
Here are some cheap date night ideas.
9. Breakfast in bed

This one is a cousin to the free childcare love coupon. Let the person who always has to get up and cook have a break!
10. Cuddling love coupons
If you both like to cuddle, this one may not be for you. But if you’re in a relationship with a cuddler and you’re not, this is a great option. Give them a certain amount of cuddle time to cash in.
11. A weekend away camping
This love coupon idea is for the one always turning down invitations to go outdoors with friends because the spouse wants them home more often. Send them camping!
12. Go to a sporting event
The coupon holder chooses the event!
13. Go to a ballet or opera event
Rinse and repeat sporting event love coupon.
14. A relaxing day at the spa
When this love coupon gets cashed in, whoever gave it will schedule a spa day for their partner. No questions asked!
15. A weekend home alone
Maybe your partner just wants to be home without the rest of y’all around. In that case, you take the kids camping or for a hotel staycation and let them have the house for a weekend.
16. Ice cream run love coupons
Give this to the partner who always has ice cream cravings!
Plus, there’s no need to pay full price when you can use ice cream coupons (the real kind that get you a discount on the sweet stuff).
17. … Or a booze run
Does your partner want something a bit harder than ice cream? You know what to do. Don’t forget the alcohol coupons.
18. Mixologist for a night
The giver of this coupon mixes drinks for a stay-at-home date night.
19. Take a cooking class together

Try a new dish and get your hands dirty together.
20. A day of no complaints
C’mon, every relationship has at least one Debby Downer. Give this to your partner if it’s you.
21. A day of no reminders
If you’re prone to over-reminding (possibly leaning into the realm of nagging), give this to your partner.
22. A day of no asks
The giver of this coupon doesn’t ask for anything from the receiver for a whole day.
23. Dinner and a movie
Guess who picks both? Yep, the holder of this love coupon.
See all dining and restaurant deals.
24. Spend a night stargazing

Bundle up and go outside.
25. A weekend getaway
While this one will require a quick budget check before you offer it, there are a lot of ways to save on travel.
26. Fill-in-the-blank love coupons
Receiver gets to craft their own love coupon.
27. “I’ll go clubbing with you”
Not for everyone, but if your partner is a party animal and they usually go out with friends, why not offer up yourself to the night life for one night?
28. Home-cooked meal
Give the cook a night off, for the love! This includes shopping for the meal too.
See all grocery deals.
29. Listen to a podcast or audiobook together
Might take a few days to get through a whole audiobook, but this is a great way to carve out time together that’s not centered on watching TV.
30. Play video games together

Whoever hates video games gives this coupon.
31. Half-hour back rub
Everyone loves a back rub they don’t have to return. Give this freebie, and be ready for it to be redeemed when you least feel like giving a back rub.
32. “I’ll mow the lawn” (or shovel the walk)
If this isn’t your typical chore, it’s a perfect coupon to give to your partner.
33. Surprise lunch hour date
If your partner gets a break for lunch, why not use this coupon to show up and take them out?
34. Trip to an amusement park
It doesn’t have to be spendy! Find out how to do Disney on a budget, or learn how to get Six Flags discounts.
35. Plant a flower together
This can be as big or as small as you want it to be. You can plant a flower in a pot, you could plant a tree, you could plant a small garden …
36. One morning to sleep in
This is the option without breakfast in bed. I’m sure your partner won’t miss breakfast if they’re used to getting up early!
37. “I’ll tell you a secret”
A coupon that divulges a secret with no strings attached.
38. Control of the remote

We’ve all got that one person in the family who dominates the remote. Give this coupon to the other person!
39. Play one round of strip poker
Most of us know which partner in our relationship this coupon is for.
40. Fun with edible body paint
Chocolate, strawberry, champagne flavor, you name it, the Internet’s got it.
41. Go through old pictures together
Either pictures from your childhood, telling new stories your partner doesn’t know, or pictures of your past together, recalling memories.
42. An uninterrupted nap
I’m not a napper, but my partner is. I’m giving him this love coupon.
43. “I’m your servant for the day”
Don’t blame me if this goes sideways, but if your partner is usually doing things for you, this would be a good one.
44. One veto
Receiver gets to use this coupon to shoot down one of your ideas or decisions.
45. Dropping it, no questions asked
Use these love coupons to avoid an argument.
46. AMA
Ask me anything. Simple as that.
47. Dessert of your choice

Make it cheaper and offer to split the dessert of their choice. Or just let them have it all and watch them eat it!
48. A day at the museum
Best for the partner who is always trying to talk the other one into a museum visit.
49. A night out on the town
Best for the extrovert, given by the introvert.
50. Game night
Many families have a weekly or monthly game night already, but there’s always the one partner who makes it like pulling teeth to get to play.
See all the best game deals.
51. A foot rub
Not ready to offer up a whole back rub? Foot rub love coupons are a nice toe in the water. (Pun intended.)
52. Uninterrupted reading time
One partner gets to relax on the couch to read, while the other runs interference with the kids.
53. Netflix and wine night at home
For the introvert, from the extrovert.
See all wine deals and how to save on wine.
54. Picnic in the park
Lunches packed by the giver of the coupon, of course.
55. Spend a day at the beach

Ditto this love coupon — all prep work is to be done by the giver of the coupon.
56. Skiing or snowboarding trip
If you both love to hit the slopes, this coupon is a no-brainer. But if one of you doesn’t, consider creating a complement to this coupon that they can use on the trip: “Sit in the lodge and drink all day.”
57. Watch the sun rise
Night owls, show your love by getting out of bed early with this love coupon! Your early bird partner would love to watch a sunrise with you instead of by themselves.
58. Or … watch the sun set
Sunsets tend to happen right in the middle of dinner during the winter. If you’re usually bustling around, refusing to sit down because there’s too much to do, give this coupon to your more laid-back partner who wishes you’d stop and watch a sunset with them.
59. Take dance lessons together
Given by the partner who is reluctant to get out on the dance floor.
60. Create a time capsule together
The giver of this coupon will lead the charge to make the event special. One idea is to do a time capsule of the past year in your relationship.
61. Bubble bath

An hour or two where your partner can watch their show in the bathtub with not a single knock on the door!
62. A night in a hotel
Gimme, gimme. This one would be amazing for any partner who mostly stays at home.
63. Attend a concert of your choice
And your partner has to come along!
64. A day fishing, hunting, or hiking
This is another one for the partner who doesn’t get to do their hobbies as much as they’d like to.
65. Getting your car washed
This is an easy one to offer since all you have to do during the winter is drive the car through a car wash. Pick a clear day so your loved one can enjoy a clean car for at least 24 hours if your weather is gross.
66. Day of compliments
This one is best if you set a minimum amount of compliments, you know, to make sure your partner feels like they’re getting their “coupon’s worth.”
67. “Load of laundry on me”
Laundry is a 2-day affair at my house, so you can bet I’d be cashing this love coupon in.
(Did you know you can save big money using laundry coupons? It’ll make doing the wash for your partner more palatable.)
68. One striptease
No explanation necessary.
69. One fantasy fulfilled
Only for the brave.
70. Go to church together
Or temple, or synagogue. This one is for the partner who is more spiritual and who wishes the other would accompany them to their chosen house of worship.
71. Photoshoot

Dress up and go outside. Take pictures of each other or ask strangers to take your picture.
72. Go on a long drive
Give these love coupons to the least fidgety and antsy of the two of you. Chances are they like being in the car more than the other one and would enjoy a long drive together.
73. Talk about the future
Whatever floats your partner’s boat. Maybe they want to talk about their dream house, ideal vacation, or heck, maybe they want to talk about retirement. Time for you to make time!
74. Tight hug
Literal love coupons for the one who always hangs on longer in an embrace.
75. No tech day
An entire day of no screens. Just focusing on each other.
76. Read a book together

Same book or separate books. Nothing better than sitting in the same room with someone you love while reading.
77. Your wish is my command
Receiver gets to make one wish of the giver. Giver must do it.
78. Ten things I love about you
Best to have these ten things top of mind before you give this coupon because when your partner cashes it in, you want to spout them off, not hesitate and try to come up with something.
79. Say I love you a hundred times today
Challenge accepted.
80. A compliment a day for a week
You probably don’t need love coupons for this, but if you made the compliments really mean something, it could totally work.
81. Dance in the rain
For the less spontaneous of the two of you to give to the spontaneous one.
82. Hold hands on command for the day
Whenever the recipient wants to hold hands, the giver will.
83. Shopping spree

Can be solo or together, depending on what the recipient would prefer.
84. Remember when?
A whole conversation, with or without a time limit, where you talk about the good things from the years of your relationship.
85. An evening by candlelight
Sure, dinner, but also, the rest of the evening too. Good things happen by candlelight.
86. Do a puzzle together
For the partner who loves to do puzzles.
87. Play hooky for the day
Call in sick or otherwise detach yourself from all responsibility and spend the day with the recipient of these love coupons.
88. Night out with friends
Girls’ night out? Guys’ night out? Whoever receives this coupon gets to decide.
89. Surprise me with flowers today
If you often forget to bring home flowers, give your partner this coupon. Just make sure you do it that day.
Here are some ways to get cheap flowers.
90. I’ll make your store returns for you

Somebody give me this coupon! Surely I’m not the only one out there who puts off making store returns.
91. Karaoke night
For the singer, from the non-singer.
92. Go play mini-golf
Another option for a day date.
93. Dance party in the living room
For the dancer, from the non-dancer.
94. “Give me a kiss — a real kiss”
This coupon is for one passionate kiss, no pecking allowed.
95. Stay in bed all day
Together or solo, let the recipient decide!
96. 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to talk
For the talker, from the non-talker.
97. Go on a walk together

Rain or shine, when the recipient presents the giver with this coupon, out you go!
98. A visit to the local animal shelter to hold cats
Who doesn’t want a coupon to hold cats?
99. “I’ll organize something for you”
It can be a drawer, a room, or a whole garage, it’s up to the giver to specify on the coupon.
100. One free repair
Not a honey-do list but a coupon for one repair to be given by the repair-person.
101. “I’ve got grocery shopping covered this week”
Give the regular grocery shopper in the relationship a break.
Tell us what you think