Want to learn how to coupon at Rite Aid? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how to save big at one of America’s largest drugstores with Rite Aid coupons, deals, and knowledge of the coupon policy. By the end of this post, you’ll be a pro at stacking coupons with Rite Aid sales and promotions.
Here’s how to coupon at Rite Aid:
Step one: Sign up for a Wellness+ card.
If you’re gonna learn how to coupon at Rite Aid, you’re gonna need a Wellness+ card. It’s free, and it’s the only way to earn Wellness+ Points and Wellness+ BonusCash, which leads to in-store savings and rewards that act like store credit and can be used to pay for your purchases. Sign up now for a Wellness+ account at RiteAid.com.
Rite Aid accepts the following coupons:
1. Newspaper or printable manufacturer coupons

Use Sunday newspaper coupons at Rite Aid. They can be found in the Smart Source, RetailMeNot Everyday, Unilever Super Saver, and P&G (Procter & Gamble) coupon inserts that come in the weekly paper. Although the paper may cost about $2, you’ll be saving much more than that with all the coupons you’ll get.
Rite Aid also accepts printable manufacturer coupons that you can get for free from KCL’s coupon database. Note that when you see a coupon you need, you’re allowed two prints per device, which means you can print two coupons from your computer, two from your phone, two from your spouse’s phone, etc.
At Rite Aid, you can only use one manufacturer coupon (printable or newspaper) per item.
COUPON TIP: Rite Aid only allows four identical coupons per transaction. For example, say you need five boxes of Kleenex and have five printable manufacturer coupons for the product. You can only use four of those coupons in the same transaction.
2. RiteAid.com and Rite Aid app Load2Card coupons

Load2Card coupons can be found on RiteAid.com and in the free Rite Aid app. These coupons are manufacturer coupons just like those you print from home.
New coupons are loaded every Sunday. Try to “clip” these coupons as soon as they appear in the app because often they’ll disappear before their expiration dates. You may also want to check if new coupons have been loaded in the middle of the week when Coupons.com adds new coupons to their site.
You don’t have to print or physically clip Load2Card coupons. The coupons are tied to your Wellness+ card. When you tap to “clip” the coupon, it’s loaded to your card and will be automatically deducted when you enter your phone number at checkout. Each coupon may be redeemed once.
Keep in mind that like printable and newspaper manufacturer coupons, you can only use one Load2Card coupon per item. And since Load2Card coupons are manufacturer coupons, you can’t use a printable manufacturer coupon in addition to a Load2Card coupon on the same product. Remember, only one manufacturer coupon — printable, newspaper, or digital — can be used per item.
COUPON TIP: Always check if your Load2Card coupon was applied by knowing what your total should be after coupons. Ask a cashier to print a preview of your receipt during checkout, or check the receipt after the transaction. Unfortunately, sometimes these Load2Card coupons don’t get deducted properly. If this happens, contact Rite Aid customer service at 1-800-748-3243, and they’ll usually credit your account with BonusCash equal to the value of the coupon.
3. Rite Aid store manufacturer coupons

Rite Aid store coupons can be found in the weekly ad. You’ll see the code “RC49” followed by numerals below the coupon’s barcode, letting you know that the coupon is considered a Rite Aid coupon.
However, for no good reason, Rite Aid sometimes refers to these coupons as “Rite Aid Manufacturer Coupons,” which is kind of an oxymoron. Is it a store coupon? Or a manufacturer coupon? Make up your mind! For all intents and purposes, you should think of these as store coupons, which can be used in conjunction with another manufacturer coupon on the purchase of one item.

RC49 store coupons can frequently be found at the bottom of receipts.

They can also be sent to you via email or snail mail. That’s why it’s super important to fill out all your personal information when signing up for a new Rite Aid Wellness+ account.
COUPON TIP: If you ever need to return an item which you paid for with a coupon, be aware that Rite Aid can’t refund cash for the value of the coupon (this applies to any kind of coupon), nor can they hand back the coupon that was used. So, if you used a $1 off coupon on a $2 ChapStick, when you go to return the ChapStick, you’ll only receive $1 back.
4. Rite Aid Valuable coupons

Rite Aid Valuable coupons, also referred to as “RC48” coupons, are less common than “RC49” coupons. Find Rite Aid Valuable coupons printed at the bottom of your receipt, as Catalina coupons, in the weekly circular in the Sunday paper, or in the ad near the entrance of your local Rite Aid.

Also find RC48 coupons as bright yellow peelies (coupons stuck directly on products) in-store. A lot of people call Rite Aid Valuable coupons “Freshness Peelies” because they’re placed on products that are close to expiration.
Since an RC48 coupon is considered a store coupon, you can use one in addition to a manufacturer coupon on the purchase of a single item. You can also use an RC48 coupon in conjunction with an RC49 coupon and a manufacturer coupon. That’s three coupons total per item! That’s why it’s important to check for the RC number on store coupons.
COUPON TIP: While Rite Aid RC48 peelies are store coupons and can only be used at Rite Aid, manufacturer coupon peelies also exist and can be found at most grocery and drugstores. When you see an adhesive manufacturer coupon on a product, read the fine print! While some peelies are only good for the item they’re adhered to, others are valid for a wider range of products. Look for “Good on ANY…” in the fine print; if the peelie is stuck to a big bottle of Listerine, but says it’s good on any bottle, you can peel the coupon off and use it on a smaller size product for a greater percentage savings.
5. Rebate app offers

Before shopping at Rite Aid, download these rebate apps: Ibotta, Checkout 51, and Fetch Rewards.
Rebate apps are one of the easiest ways to save because there’s no clipping coupons involved. Instead, all you have to do is find an offer in the app, add it to your list, and head to the store. Once you’ve purchased the specified product, you’ll then have to snap a photo of your receipt and send it in through the app.
Within 3-5 days (it usually takes less than that), you’ll be credited the amount indicated on the offer. Once your account reaches the minimum payout amount (typically $10-20), your earnings will be transferred to PayPal.
Since rebate app offers aren’t coupons, you can use one or multiple rebates on top of store and manufacturer coupons.
How to Coupon at Rite Aid: Rewards Promotions

The best day to shop at Rite Aid is Sunday—that’s when new sales and promotions start.
Also keep your eyes peeled for Rite Buy offers that begin the Sunday leading into, or overlapping into, the first week of a new month. For example, in the past, we saw November’s Rite Buy offers start October 30 because November 1 was a Tuesday — not a Sunday.
Check beneath weekly sales tags in store to see if an item also has a monthly promotion. You can sometimes stack Rite Buy BonusCash promotions with weekly BonusCash promotions, usually when the promotions are non-identical. For example, if the weekly promotion is “Buy 2 Receive $2 BonusCash,” and the monthly promotion is “Spend $15 Receive $5 BonusCash,” they will stack.
The easiest way to stay on top of the best deals every week is to check KCL’s Rite Aid page and sign up for our newsletter.
1. Wellness+ BonusCash Promotions

Remember when I said you’re gonna want to sign up for a Wellness+ card? Well, here’s why:
Your Wellness+ card/account is your key to saving more at Rite Aid. The weekly sale offers you see advertised also generate BonusCash, which accumulates in your account and leads to in-store credit.
$1 BonusCash = $1 in Rite Aid credit
Here’s what BonusCash deals look like on KCL:
Earning BonusCash
BonusCash gets added to your account before coupons are applied in a transaction, so feel free to use manufacturer and store coupons on top of BonusCash offers all in one shopping trip.
Using Coupons with BonusCash
You can use coupons to lower your out-of-pocket expense and still receive BonusCash. If I have two coupons, a store and a manufacturer coupon each worth $1, I could apply them both to the purchase of one Speed Stick deodorant and pay only $0.99 out of pocket instead of $2.99. And I’d still get $1 BonusCash. Paying $0.99 and getting $1 back is basically the same as getting the item for free.
Some BonusCash promotions require you to spend a certain dollar amount before BonusCash can be earned. Say the promotion is “Spend $15 on Gillette deodorant, earn $5 BonusCash.” Spend $15 on three $5 Gillette deodorants. Then, use three $2 manufacturer coupons, which lowers your out-of-pocket cost to $9. And you’ll still get $5 in BonusCash. That’s like paying $4 for three deodorants.
COUPON TIP: On spend-threshold BonusCash offers, you don’t have to spend $15 in one shopping trip. As long as you spend $15 before the promotion ends, you’ll still get that $5 BonusCash. Your Wellness+ card keeps track of what you buy (unless the spend threshold is under $10) so you can work on the required dollar amount needed for an offer throughout the life of a sale.
Each BonusCash offer carries a limit; usually it’s four for a monthly promotion and two for a weekly promotion. For example, complete a promotion twice, receive BonusCash twice — in the same transaction or in two separate transactions. On the third try, you’ll still get the sale price, but you won’t earn BonusCash.
Redeeming BonusCash
After signing in at checkout, you will be prompted to choose whether or not you’d like to redeem BonusCash rewards. Select “Yes” to have your rewards applied to your purchase.
You don’t have to redeem BonusCash in the denomination in which it was earned. If you earn a $5 BonusCash reward, you can still use $1 of that reward on a $1 purchase. No PIN is required to redeem BonusCash.
BonusCash will be available to spend at 6:00 a.m. on the day after it’s earned, and it expires after 30 days. Your account will automatically redeem the BonusCash reward with the nearest expiration date when you choose to redeem your BonusCash.

Rolling BonusCash
The best way to maximize BonusCash is to save all the rewards you receive one week and use them the following week to pay for new BonusCash promotions. By doing this, you’ll rarely have to pay out of pocket.

To see how much BonusCash you’ve earned, used, and is available to use, check the bottom of your receipt. You can also see your BonusCash balance on the Rite Aid Load2Card website or Rite Aid app.
2. Wellness+

Rite Aid has not one, but two rewards systems: Wellness+ BonusCash and Wellness+ Points. All rewards can be accessed through your Wellness+ card.
Earn one Wellness+ Point for every dollar you spend at Rite Aid. If you use a coupon or another discount in your transaction, you won’t earn Points on the dollars you saved — only on the money actually spent. Wellness+ cardholders get special pricing and exclusive coupons. Check the weekly ad for promotions.
Every dollar spent on non-prescription items = 1 Wellness+ Point
Every prescription filled = up to 25 Wellness+ Points
Wellness+ Savings
Earn enough Wellness+ Points and receive a special status that earns you an exclusive discount on the entire store:
SILVER Status (250 – 499 Points): Receive 10% off almost the entire store for six months
GOLD Status (500+ Points): Receive 20% off almost the entire store for six months
You have six-month periods to accumulate points: January 1 – June 30 and July 1 – December 31 of each calendar year.
If you reach Silver or Gold status in, say, May, you’ll hold that status throughout the rest of that calendar year and the next. Then, while you maintain your new status, you’ll have to accumulate new points in order to be Silver or Gold the next six months.
COUPON TIP: When you place orders online at RiteAid.com, you’ll still earn and be able to use Wellness+ and BonusCash discounts. Plus, use exclusive online discount codes and any Load2Card coupons.
How to Coupon at Rite Aid: Coupon Stacking & Promotions

Download the free Krazy Coupon Lady app to make finding Rite Aid deals easier. Not only will you have access to thousands of free printable coupons at your fingertips, you’ll have dozens of hand-curated daily deals to choose from. All you have to do is print and clip coupons and then head to the store.
At Rite Aid you’re allowed to stack the following coupons and promotions:
1. Stack up to three coupons per item.

According to Rite Aid’s coupon policy, you’re allowed to use up to three coupons per item: one RC48 Valuable Coupon, one RC49 Rite Aid store coupon, and one manufacturer coupon. Here’s an example of stacking two coupons:
When Colgate toothbrushes went on sale for $3.99 at Rite Aid, KCL stacked a $1 in-ad store coupon with a $1 manufacturer coupon. Wellness+ cardholders also earned $1 BonusCash for buying the product. In the end, I paid $0.99 for buying a toothbrush that normally costs $5.29 — and I earned 3 Wellness+ Points.
COUPON TIP: Some printable manufacturer coupons may say things like “available at Walmart” in the item description. It may even have a Walmart logo printed on the coupon. Don’t confuse these with store coupons. Retailers like Walmart may co-sponsor a manufacturer coupon in order to get their logo on the coupon, but it’s still a manufacturer coupon which can be redeemed at any store. In cases where the manufacturer coupon is restricted to one store, you’ll see the wording “Redeemable only at…” Here are 10 other things you should know about coupon fine print.
2. Use multiple rebate app offers in addition to coupons.

Rebate app offers aren’t coupons, so you can use them on top of manufacturer coupons, store coupons, and promotions. Recently, Zest Fruitboost Shower Gel was on sale for $2.79 at Rite Aid, and Ibotta and Fetch Rewards had rebate offers worth $0.25 and $0.75 respectively. KCL also found a $1/1 printable coupon. After all the discounts and rebates were applied, the final price was only $0.79!
Here’s what the deal looked like on KCL:
Buy 1 Zest Fruitboost Revitalizing Shower Gel, 10 oz $2.79, sale price through 9/24
Use one $1.00/1 – Zest FruitBoost Shower Gel or Smoothie Body Scrub (commonkindness.com)
And submit one $0.75/1 – Zest Fruitboost Gel or Scrub, via rebate app (fetchrewards.com)
And submit one $0.25/1 – Zest Fruitboost Shower Gel Citrus Splash, 10 oz, via rebate app (ibotta.com)
Pay $1.79, Submit for $0.75 Fetch Rewards Credit and $0.25 Ibotta Credit
Final Price: $0.79
COUPON TIP: Make it a habit to check rebate app offers at least twice a week so you don’t miss any potential savings! Ibotta rebates update throughout the week. Checkout 51 rebates update every Thursday. Here’s the Ultimate Comprehensive Guide to Rebate Apps to learn more tricks.
3. Use a coupon on the paid item in a BOGO promotion.

Only one coupon can be used per pair of “Buy One Get One Free” items. However, you can use a coupon on the paid item in a BOGO sale as long as the value of the coupon doesn’t exceed the selling price of the product. If the coupon is worth more than the selling price, it will be adjusted down to prevent overage. Also, don’t try to use a BOGO coupon in conjunction with a BOGO sale — it won’t work.
COUPON TIP: Sometimes Rite Aid will have mix and match promotions like: “Buy 2, Get the 3rd Free” on Simple skincare products. Although you can only use coupons on the two paid items, you are allowed to use rebate app offers on all three products — even the free one.
4. Stack coupons and earn Wellness+ Points on clearance items.

Clearance items are often on end-caps and in baskets near the front of the store, especially after a holiday. They can also be found on shelves in their normal spots, and because clearance tags are yellow just like sales tags, they blend in — so look closely.
You can frequently score up to 75% off with clearance. Plus, you can use store and manufacturer coupons on top of clearance prices to save even more. And if a product on clearance is also on a BonusCash promotion, you can earn BonusCash on top of it! Also earn Wellness+ Points for every dollar you spend.
For example, Degree Men’s Deodorant was on clearance for $1.44 the other week. It was also on promotion: “Buy 2 and receive $2 BonusCash.” I used two $1.50 coupons (adjusted down to $1.44) and paid nothing. Then I received $2 BonusCash, making them a $2 moneymaker.
5. No overages or moneymakers allowed.

If a coupon’s value exceeds the selling price (like the coupon above for Scotch scissors), Rite Aid will accept the coupon but will decrease the coupon’s value to match the selling price of the item. Rite Aid employees will never give you cash out of their drawers just because the coupon you have is worth more than the product.
COUPON TIP: Although traditional overages and moneymakers aren’t allowed at Rite Aid, you can make money by earning BonusCash. When you pay $2 after coupons but earn $3 BonusCash in the transaction, this is considered a moneymaker. You just earned in-store credit worth more than what you paid.
Tips for Your Next Shopping Trip
1. Sometimes Catalina manufacturer coupons will roll.

Catalina coupons are long, receipt-like coupons that print from a Catalina machine at a store’s register. There are two types of Catalina coupons that print at Rite Aid: RC48 store coupons and manufacturer coupons.
RC48 Catalina store coupons are rare, print randomly, and tend to be threshold coupons (example: $3 off when you spend $15 or more). Catalina manufacturer coupons print when you buy a certain product, and they clearly say “Manufacturer Coupon” on them. They’re always for an amount off (example: $2 off your next shopping order), and can be stacked with RC48 and/or RC49 coupons.
Sometimes Catalina manufacturer coupons will “roll.” Rolling a Catalina means using the Catalina you earned from one transaction to pay for a second transaction with the same products. That second transaction will then produce an identical Catalina, which you can turn around and use to pay for a third transaction with the same qualifying products—all in the same day!
There are three ways to find out about rolling Catalinas: 1) test it, 2) follow Rite Aid deals on KCL, or 3) check Rite Aid post comments on KCL to see if other couponers are experiencing rolling Catalinas.
3. Coupon order doesn’t matter.

Hand over your coupons in any order you please. Sales and coupons will always be deducted in this order:
- Sale price or Wellness+ status discount, whichever is greater
- Load2Card coupons
- Any other manufacturer and store coupons
- BonusCash that is being redeemed
If you use both a manufacturer and store coupon for one item and together they’re worth more than the sale price of the item, the second coupon that’s scanned will beep. Since Rite Aid doesn’t allow overage, the cashier will adjust the coupon’s value to the remaining selling price of the item.
Expect another beep if you try to use the same Load2Card and paper manufacturer coupon in one order. Clipped Load2Card coupons will be automatically accepted while identical printable or newspaper coupons will be rejected.
4. Ask for a rain check if an item is out of stock.

Rite Aid offers rain checks for the sale price on items that are out of stock; however, whether you earn BonusCash on the product when it becomes available again depends on the store.
Say the OxiClean detergent you want is out of stock this week, but if it were in stock and available for you to buy, you’d earn $1 BonusCash and get the $3.99 sale price for the purchase. Instead, you have to ask for a rain check, and you are only guaranteed the $3.99 sale price.
While some stores will also give you the BonusCash in the form of a reduction in price (the manager may write $2.99 instead of $3.99 in consideration of the $1 BonusCash you’re losing out on), other stores will not. This is where it pays to be friendly to your Rite Aid manager and cashiers!
5. Buy gift cards during a BonusCash promotion.

Rite Aid has awesome offers on gift cards almost weekly but especially around the holidays. They’ll offer BonusCash back when you buy a certain value.
For example, “Buy $25 in American Eagle Gift Cards, Earn $5.00 BonusCash.” That’s like buying a $25 gift card for only $20!
6. Shop once-monthly Wellness Wednesdays for extra coupons worth $40-50 in food and medicine savings.

Wellness+ members who are over the age of 65 receive 20% off the entire store or the sale price (whichever is greater) once a month on Wellness Wednesday.
A special, one-day-only Wellness+ coupon booklet is also released on Wellness Wednesday (like the one pictured above), but you don’t have to be over 65 to use the coupons. Find these booklets at the front of the store or near the pharmacy. They typically contain nine high-value coupons that can be stacked with manufacturer coupons.
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