1. Organize your gift-wrapping station with a wine box.

2. Keep small ornaments safe in storage with egg cartons.

Via Made + Remade
3. Attach photos instead of gift tags on presents.

4. Prevent wrapping paper from unraveling with toilet paper tubes.

Cut an empty toilet paper tube in half lengthwise, and use it to cuff unused wrapping paper. You may need to tape it closed for a snug fit.
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5. Hang lights on brick with hot glue.

6. Wrap a big cardboard box and use it as a decorative wrapping-paper wastebasket on Christmas day.

7. Boil cinnamon sticks, apple peels, orange rinds, and whole cloves in water to make your home smell more festive.

8. Wind Christmas lights around a piece of cardboard or a hanger for easy storage.

9. Store wrapping paper easily with this $2 Ikea plastic bag dispenser.

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